Career Services
Are you a skilled worker? An internationally educated professional? An International Student? Looking for your first job? Preparing for a career? No matter what stage you are at, Manitoba Start can help you get connected, become work-ready, and find employment in Manitoba.
All career services and events are free for newcomers.
If you are looking for a job, you will meet with a Manitoba Start certified Career Coach, and other job seekers to prepare you for employment. We have a number of resources to support your career goals, including international students, qualification recognition, and labour market resources.
Your Manitoba Start Career Coach will work with you to plan your career goals and find the job that is right for you.
Career Services Programs and Career Coaching Services
Career Development E-Learning Workshop
Manitoba Start Career Development Workshop is based on career development tools and resources developed using the Blueprint for Life/Work Designs, Essential Skills, and Conference Board of Canada’s Employability Skills as a foundation or framework. This eLearning workshop will incorporate both synchronous and asynchronous learning. Participants will learn how to:
- Identify short- and long-term career goals based on your international skill sets.
- Develop a personalized Career and Education Plan.
- Research the Manitoba labour market and effective work search methods.
- Develop a resume based on your foreign background that will highlight your skill sets.
The duration of the workshop is 5 days and is currently being offered virtually.
Cover Letter E-Learning Workshop
In Canada it is the standard practice to use a Cover Letter as a companion piece to your resume. It will explain who you are, why you want to work for the organization, and what you can offer the employer.
In this self-study workshop you will learn:
- Exploring different Cover Letter formats used in Canada.
- Designing and presenting consistent messaging in the opening, middle and closing paragraphs of a Cover Letter.
- Write effectively and project value to an employer using active voice verbs to describe accomplishments.
- Create a customized Cover Letter targeted to a specific job position.
*** Prerequisite: Completion of the Career Development E-learning Workshop
The duration of the Cover Letter Workshop is 3 hours.
Change and Transition E-Learning Workshop
Are you a newcomer to Canada, making Manitoba your permanent home and preparing to enter the workforce? This self-study workshop will help you understand the impact of change and the process of transition as you settle into life and work in Manitoba.
The information and activities are helpful for newcomers who are:
- Experiencing significant change in their lives due to immigration and the settlement process.
- Looking for support to manage the transition of studying, living and working in a new country.
Learning Objectives
- Identify changes, transitions and coping strategies related to the settlement experience
- Recognize the phases of transition and coping strategies related to the settlement experience.
- Ensure a successful transition by strengthening resiliency, maximizing career engagement, and enhancing language skills
- Explore regulated occupations and trades in Canada
The duration of the Change and Transition E-Learning Workshop is 3 hours.
Canadian Workplace Culture E-Learning Workshop
Canadian Workplace Culture Self-study Online Workshop introduces newcomers to many strategies that support the long-term growth and development of your career and can help you maintain a positive work-life balance.
In this self-study workshop, you will learn about:
- how to explore and adapt to cultural expectations in the Canadian workplace.
- corporate culture and the role of human resources in the onboarding process.
- how to explore opportunities to grow your career and achieve work-life balance.
Career Development Workshop
This blended in-person interactive Career Development Workshop focuses on a collaborative learning approach for clients to achieve:
- Short- and long-term career goals based on international skill sets.
- Develop a personalized Career and Education Plan.
- Research the Manitoba labor market and effective work search methods.
- Develop a resume based on your foreign background that will highlight skill sets.
The course agenda is as follows:
- Day 1: Career Planning
- Day 2: Effective Work Search
- Day 3 and 4: Resume Development
- Day 5: Self-Study
Workshops are offered both in the morning 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and afternoon 1:00 pm-4:00 pm.
Interview Skills Workshop
Get that job! This workshop will help you prepare for interviews in Canada. Participants, through an interview exercise will receive feedback on how to improve their responses and overall performance.
Manitoba Start’s Interview Skills Workshop will help you prepare for interviews in Canada. This workshop will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach. Developing your interview skills will be useful as you conduct future interviews with organizations in your job search.
At Manitoba Start, we coach clients to and ace the next interview. We’re here to help you:
- Learn how to answer challenging interview questions.
- Enhance/build your self-confidence and presentation.
- Achieve success.
This workshop is divided into 2 lessons:
Lesson 1 – Preparation (1-2 hours self-study): Whether this is your first interview or one of a series of interviews you will attend, preparation is important for success. This lesson will offer practical strategies to prepare for your next interview and provide techniques to impress potential employers.
Lesson 2 – Live Interview Practice (3 hours in person): This interactive, virtual session will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach. Developing your interview skills will be useful as you conduct future interviews with organizations in your job search.
Interview Skills Workshop
Manitoba Start’s Interview Skills Workshop will help you prepare for interviews in Canada. This interactive, virtual workshop will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach. Developing your interview skills will be useful as you conduct future interviews with organizations in your job search.
This workshop is divided into 2 lessons:
Lesson 1 – Preparation (1-2 hours self-study): Whether this is your first interview or one of a series of interviews you will attend, preparation is important for success. This lesson will offer practical strategies to prepare for your next interview and provide techniques to impress potential employers.
Lesson 2 – Live Interview Practice (3 hours online): This interactive, virtual session will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach. Developing your interview skills will be useful as you conduct future interviews with organizations in your job search.
The duration of the Interview Skills Workshop is 4- 5 hours.
LinkedIn for Networking and Job Searching
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. LinkedIn can help with finding the right job, connect and build your professional relationships, and help you learn the skills you need to succeed in your career. Use LinkedIn to increase visibility and attract employers to your profile!
This information session will provide insights on how to best utilize LinkedIn to build your network and tips on how it can leverage your work search.
The learning outcomes for this session are:
- Learn how to boost your personalized LinkedIn presence.
- Build your professional social media footprint, connect with employers and potential industry contacts.
- Acquire new ways to optimize your LinkedIn profile.
Pre-requisite: Participants of this information session should already have a LinkedIn account to get the full benefits of this session.
This session is 90 minutes long.
Strategies for Applying Online- Creating professional Resumes that are Approved by Applicant Tracking Systems
Did you know that nearly all large and medium size employers use some form of an Applicant Tracking Systems? What is ATS? Why do employers and recruiters use them? Would you like to know how to create an ATS compatible resume that will land you a job interview? This interactive and practical session will cover:
- What is an Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)?
- How does ATS Work?
- How does it impact your work search?
- How to optimize your resume
For this session, please have your resume and a job posting available to learn firsthand how Applicant Tracking Systems work!
This session is 60 minutes long.
Occupation Specific Qualification Recognition Sessions
Are you an internationally educated Teacher, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer or a Pharmacist? Would you like to learn more about the licensing process or potential career alternative pathways that can help you jumpstart your career? Then this session may be right for you!
In this session you will learn about:
- licensing process
- alternative careers
- training options
- the importance of career planning
It is highly recommended that you watch the Qualification Recognition Information video first. Click here to watch.
This session is 90 minutes long.
Career Coaching Sessions
Career Coaching sessions are focused on assisting immigrants and international students in adjusting to the Canadian landscape as it pertains to employment and enabling meaningful connections to the Manitoba labour market. Our certified Career Coaches provide one on one meetings to deliver information pertaining to: Career Planning, Resume Development, Work Search, Interviews, Qualification Recognition.
Career Coaching Sessions are 1 hour and are offered both virtually and in-person.
International Student Work Search Program
Navigate the common challenges International Students in Manitoba face when attaining their career goals and entering the Canadian Labour Market.
Change and Transition: International Students face several challenges when studying and planning to stay in Canada and become Canadian citizens; this session is designed to let International Students see what challenges their peers encounter, and find ways and resources to overcome them.
Career Planning: International Students looking to start their career in the Canadian Labour Market benefit from resources, information and planning techniques to ensure career plans lead to desired outcomes.
Work Search: International Students seeking employment opportunities learn proven job searching techniques that reflect the Canadian Labour Market prospects available, but that often go underexploited.
Marketing Tools: International Students often struggle with developing market tools to showcase their skills, and experience; development of appropriate networking abilities and writing strong resumes ensure International Students gain access to Canadian Employers, Industry Professional and Peers.
The duration of the workshop is 5 days and is currently being offered virtually.
Resume + ATS workshop for International Students
Your resume is your most powerful self-marketing tool and the key to a successful job application!
Learn how to target your resume effectively and get past Applicant Tracking Systems – software large companies use for resume scanning and assessment.
This interactive and practical session will cover:
- How to craft resumes that showcase your global experience, academic achievements, and skills.
- How to design impactful skill statements that include measurable results.
- What is an Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)?
- How does ATS Work?
- How does it impact your work search?
- How to optimize your resume.
Canadian Workplace Culture for International Students
Adapting to the culture of the workplace in Canada can be a huge adjustment. Explore Canadian communication styles, navigate power dynamics, and examine the written and unwritten rules of the Canadian workplace in this new and exciting workshop!
In this workshop, you will learn about:
- How to explore and adapt to cultural expectations in the Canadian workplace.
- Corporate culture and the role of human resources in the onboarding process.
- How to explore opportunities to grow your career and achieve work-life balance.
Interview Skills Workshop for International Students
Get that job! This virtual workshop will provide international students with the opportunity to practice interview preparation tactics, common interview questions, and appropriate body language and communication styles to improve their interview skills.
Manitoba Start’s Interview Skills Workshop will help you prepare for interviews in Canada. This interactive, virtual workshop will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach.
In this workshop, you will:
- Learn how to answer challenging interview questions.
- Enhance/build your self-confidence and presentation.
- Achieve success.
This workshop is divided into 2 lessons:
Lesson 1 – Preparation (1-2 hours self-study): Whether this is your first interview or one of a series of interviews you will attend preparation is important for success. This lesson will offer practical strategies to prepare for your next interview and provide techniques to impress potential employers.
Lesson 2 – Live Interview Practice (3 hours online): This interactive, virtual session will allow you to practice your interview skills and receive feedback to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the interview process, by a certified Career Coach. Developing your interview skills will be useful as you conduct future interviews with organizations in your job search.
*To register contact your Career Coach. If you are not a client yet you can register as a new client to get access. Sessions are held virtually through MS Teams and open to Manitoba Start clients only.
More Resources
- Career Employment Pathway
- Graduate Internship Pathway
- International Student Entrepreneur Pilot
- Manitoba International Education Stream
- What Are the Difficulties International Students Face in Canada?
- How international students can find a job in Canada?
- Labour Market Impact Assessment for Express Entry
- New Requirements for Canada’s Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
Share your Success Series
This event features a panel of successful newcomers sharing their insight on how they adapted to the Canadian workplace culture, which skills supported their career transition and development and more.
Past Webinar Recordings
Qualification Recognition Guides
Qualification Recognition and Licensing Resources
- Manitoba Careers for Internationally Educated Professionals Program
- Internationally Educated Nurses Program
- Recognition Counts – SEED Winnipeg
- Navigating the Professional Occupational Licensing Process in Canada
- Alliance of credential evaluation services of Canada
- Immigrate Manitoba Fact Sheets
- The WES Credential Evaluation Process Explained
- 3 Myths and Truths About WES Credential Evaluations
- Apprenticenships Manitoba
Labour Market Resources
- Job Bank
- National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021
- Sector Councils
- Manitoba Occupational Forecasts